Children’s Health

Planning ahead can make the difference between enjoying or spoiling your trip. Never leave children alone. Children generally adapt well to change, but will still need to have their specific needs met.

In general consider:

  • Immunisation- make sure these are up to date inline with the NHMRC recommendation.
  • Food and fluid replacement- always carry something with you, especially fluids in warm areas
  • Clothing- changes appropriate to the climate
  • Insect Protection- preparations of up to 30% DEET for skin, and permethrin impregnated external clothing and nets.
  • Medical Kit- include paracetamol (eg Panadol, Panamax, Dymadon, Tylenol, Tempra) or ibuprofen (eg Nurofen) for dressings, sunscreen, Gastrolyte, antihistamines such as promethazine for allergy, travel sickness and sleep.
  • Entertainment- books, games, toys appropriate to age

Children travelling overseas are more prone to common problems such as trauma, respiratory, gastrointestinal and skin infections, sunburn and insect bites. However, two conditions deserving special mention with your doctor are diarrhoea and malaria.

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