
We continue to advise do not travel due to the extremely dangerous security situation and the very high threat of terrorism and kidnapping throughout Afghanistan, including in Kabul. If, despite our advice, you travel to Afghanistan, there’s a very high risk you could be the target of a terrorist attack or kidnapping. There are no guarantees for your safety in Afghanistan. Terrorists continue to target and kidnap foreigners, NGO workers, medical personnel and humanitarian workers. Locations including markets, cafes, restaurants, hotels, medical facilities and humanitarian operations may be targeted. No location in Afghanistan can be considered safe from the threat of attack. Foreign nationals, including NGO workers, also face a serious threat of arbitrary detention. Australians have been previously detained. The Taliban are suspicious of foreigners working or travelling in Afghanistan, including NGO workers, and it’s likely your work and movements will be closely monitored. There are no Australian officials in Afghanistan, and our ability to provide consular and passport assistance is severely limited.

We continue to advise:

Do not travel to Afghanistan due to the extremely dangerous security situation and the very high threat of terrorism and kidnapping.

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