Measles is a viral infection spread by droplets and can result in quite serious disease in both children and adults. Symptoms include fever, cough, rash 1 in 25 will develop pneumonia, and less commonly, encephalitis (brain inflammation) with the risk of brain damage or death Measles is a routine vaccination that may need to be […]
Malaria is caused by a parasite (protozoa of the genus Plasmodium), which is transmitted through the bite of an infected female of the Anopheline mosquito. The mosquito feeds on human blood and transmits the parasite, which invades the liver and then the red blood cells Symptoms typically include fever, rigors (uncontrollable shaking) headache, backache, nausea, […]
Jet Lag
Jet Lag Is how we feel when our normal body rhythms (circadian rhythms) are out of synchrony with the environment Worse when travelling long distances rapidly and travelling east Symptoms commonly include: fatigue, impaired vision, headache, sleep disturbance, hunger at inappropriate times, gastrointestinal upsets, urinary disturbance and poor mental or physical performance Re-adaption to normal […]
Japanese Encephalitis (JE)
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a viral infection spread by the Culex mosquito throughout greater Asia. Symptoms are usually absent although there may be reduced consciousness or fitting. 25% of people who contract the disease will die and up to 30% retain some neurological or psychiatric change. The risk of Japanese encephalitis differs seasonally. Prevention is […]
According to the World Health Organisation, influenza is thought to cause serious illness to 3-5 million people and death to up to ½ million people worldwide. Influenza is a virus that spreads easily between people through sneezing and coughing – especially in crowded areas. People can be contagious before they show symptoms of fever, malaise, […]
How to get medical help while overseas
Although preventive strategies do reduce the risk of illness, sometimes things just happen and you need to find a doctor. Everyone has a tale to tell, but the reality is that good quality medical help is readily available for most travellers. If you are staying with family or friends, they can take you to their […]
Hepatitis A is the most frequently occurring vaccine-preventable infection in travellers. It is a viral infection of the liver spread by person to person (faeco-oral route) or by contaminated food and water Resort level of accommodation does not exclude the risk Death rate up to 3% Up to one in 50 travellers are affected with jaundice, […]
Gastroenteritis / Gastrointestinal diseases (stomach upsets) are more common in travellers to developing countries (up to 50%) and are caused by bacteria, viruses, worms or other parasites. They are usually associated with improperly prepared foods, untreated water or poor personal hygiene. There is little risk of getting these diseases in countries such as the United […]
Elderly Travellers
Despite previous beliefs, the elderly traveller has an overall mortality risk that is similar to that at home. Things to consider when travelling include: A complete medical examination prior to travel. This should include a medication review as well as an assessment of their general fitness for the particular journey. Be up to date on routine […]
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
A DVT is a blood clot that may form in the deep leg veins. It may travel around the body (ie embolise) and cause damage to vital organs, such as a the lungs. The jury is still out on absolute proof of air travel per se being a cause of thromboembolism. However, some people with […]